USDOC Investigation Will Skyrocket Cost of Solar Panels, Delay Installations and Force 70,000 Furloughs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Local Solar for All, a coalition dedicated to expanding access to local solar and battery-generated power, noted serious concerns today about the investigation opened a month ago by the Department of Commerce into alleged ​​tariff circumvention on solar products imported from four Asian countries. The Commerce Department’s investigation comes at a crucial time — the Biden Administration has promised to cut carbon pollution in half by 2030 and must work with Congress to enact significant tax credits to expand domestic clean energy production and improve energy independence by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Public support for President Biden’s proposed clean energy investments is currently at an all-time high.

Local Solar for All Managing Director, Phyllis Cuttino, issued the following statement. 

“The Department of Commerce investigation poses a significant threat to the future of distributed generation in the United States. By taking up this petition, the Department could move to retroactively impose draconian tariffs up to 250% on solar component imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Collectively, imports from these countries accounted for two-thirds of solar panel imports in 2021. If the Department follows through on these tariffs, solar deployment could decrease by 16 GW annually, the cost of electricity for consumers will increase, and 70,000 solar workers could lose their jobs.

“Local Solar for All and its members – representing rooftop and community solar and storage – unequivocally support other industry leaders’ efforts to prevent the Department of Commerce from imposing these restrictive tariffs.

“The war in Ukraine and the subsequent rise in global fossil fuel prices have only heightened the need for energy independence. Transitioning to clean, renewable energy like local solar and batteries should be a national priority to fight climate change, create jobs and achieve energy independence. Prior to the DOC investigation, the solar industry was projected to triple by 2032, installing a projected capacity of 464 GWdc. The threat of shortsighted tariffs is sure to stifle domestic solar industry deployment, and is bad policy for an administration that has promised to tackle the climate crisis.

“Instead, we must adopt predictable clean energy tax incentives and increase local manufacturing of solar panels. We commend Sen. Jon Ossoff’s Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA) that aims to expand domestic solar manufacturing to help decrease the cost of solar deployment and make it a more accessible energy option for more Americans. SEMA will also spur job growth in the clean energy sector and help propel the U.S. as a competitor in the global solar market.

Local Solar for All urges the Biden Administration to take immediate action to ensure solar deployment can continue to meet national goals to expand locally-generated solar and other forms of clean, renewable energy.”


Local Solar for All Welcomes President Biden’s Decision to Waive Solar Tariffs for Two Years and Spur Domestic Solar Manufacturing


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